Windows 8.1 is now available for developers

Microsoft this week reversed its decision not to release the final version of its new operating system Windows 8.1 for developers. The company is not planning to release a developer version of the operating system before the official release of the main version. However, the decision changed.
Microsoft released Windows 8.1 build and Windows Server 2012 R2 at the expense of their programs MSDN and TechNet. Steve Guggenheimer says:

We heard from you that our decision not to release Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 RTM can cause quite a few problems for third-party developers, and IT-professionals, as they work closely on applications for Windows 8.1 and eagerly await the release Windows 8.1. We value our partners and have made adjustments to our plans.

It is expected that the operating system is Windows 8.1 in the final version will be released on October 18th of this year. Microsoft will provide access to the new version and users will be able to upgrade to Windows 8.1 through service updates.

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